Suck It Bittersweet Bitches

Suck It Bittersweet Bitches

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ain't life a bitch?

We all want to deny it, we all want to realise it. But we all know it; Life is a bitch.
Weather your the most 'perfect', uptight, rich, person in the world. Or the lowest form of life imaginable.
It sucks, thats the reality of things. People break up, Murders happen, People starve to death, Cancer, AIDS, whatever it is. It really just fucking sucks.

Theres good news though, *Place good news here*
yup, thats it. The reality is, there are moments in life where, if even for a second, Your happy.
You could be laughing at a bar, or hanging out with some friends who decide to be stupid and pretend to rape one another. Or, you could be with that special someone, and you can look over at them, and see for once, that this second in time, this moment. Nothing else matters.

Yup, thats reality. Their fleeting, and can more than likely end in disaster. But enjoy those little moments. Because you don't know when the next one will be.

So say your boss goes and tells you to clean up the bathroom because some asshole employee came to work drunk and puked everywhere. Take enjoyment of the evil torturouse picture that fleets through your head, and don't let it ruin your day. at lunch break, even though you may smell like absolute shit, don't let it make you grumble and groan. Hey, maybe another employee bought you lunch, or your lover sent you a cute text or call. Hey, its that moment that matters.

Our sad moments, mad moments, and mean moments, all shape who we are. So yeah, It'll hurt when your boyfriend leaves you for some slut across the street, or if he says its just not working out, hey, Go ahead and throw his stuff out the window, Hell, go take it to the nearest fireplace and burn the shit!
take enjoyment out of anything you can, Hell, take enjoyment out of the pain too, because either way. Lifes to short to make such little things, seem bigger than they are.

Suck It bittersweet, Bitches

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